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The between_strings text helper is used to extract text from a haystack located between the start_needle and end_needle

Returns a string which is the subset of haystack between start_needle and end_needle and not including start_needle or end themselves.

If either start_needle or end_needle not present in haystack, returns an empty string.

If either start_needle or end_needle is empty, throws an exception.


{{between_strings haystack start_needle end_needle flags="irxt"}}


The input string

The starting boundary string.

The ending boundary string.


  • i: Treat delimiters as not case-sensitive (default is case-sensitive)
  • r: split text at last instance of start and last instance of end (default is to split at the first instance of each)
  • x: expand located text: use the first found instance of start and the last found instance of end
  • t: trim the final result prior to returning (remove all whitespace from beginning and end)


Within a web form, return the value of the field called "First Name"

{{between_strings custom.web_form "First Name:" "n"}}