Text Replacement
When processing each Action, MSPintegrations will first render the text in every input field using a special text replacement engine. The engine's syntax is similar to the syntax for mustache and handlebars templating engines, and you should be able to make quick sense of our text replacement engine if you are familiar with mustache or handlebars.
What Does it Do?
The text replacement engine renders text templates by interpolating supplied data into the template. The data can include parts of an inbound email and information from previous actions. The text template is what you have configured within our console when setting up your rules and actions.
For example, if you wanted to render the subject line of an email, you could use an expression like this:
The power of a text replacement engine comes when you see how you can combine multiple pieces of information. Here's an example of a confirmation email you may want to have sent to your users after they open a new ticket:
Dear {{email.from.display}},
We have received your request titled {{email.subject}}, and we have created a new ticket in our ticket management portal. If you have any further updates about your issue, please contact our office and reference ticket number {{custom.TicketNumber}}.
Thank you,
IT Support Team
In this example, the email sent to the user would first have text replaced to include the user's actual name, the subject line of their email, and the ticket number we created from their email.