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Auto-expand linked objects

When retrieving an object from Autotask, many of the object's properties will contain an integer value that represents a related object or picklist. Often you will want to know the display value for this property (e.g. on a Ticket entity, the value Complete rather than 5 ). However, in the past it was cumbersome to find the display value as this meant also querying the Autotask API for the related object (in order to retrieve its properties).

MSPintegrations eases this process by automatically retrieving related objects, meaning there is no need to query multiple times.

When you query for an Autotask object you will therefore have access to the the object's properties, as well as the properties of any objects related to the retrieved object. This makes it simple to query something like "is the resource who completed the task still active?"

Legacy Behavior

Prior to mid-2023 it was not possible to access the linked objects in MSPintegrations. Instead you had to have multiple query steps using IDs that were retrieved in a previous step. If you choose, you can now update your rules to consolidate the steps.

As a result of the update some values in the API will have changed name. For example the legacy syntax {{custom.account.CreatedByResourceID}} and current syntax {{}} represent the same value.�The update is backwards-compatible so there is no need to change existing action steps.>)