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Generate a Random String

You can use the Random Utility to generate random strings. It also offers you a number of configurations in order to achieve the correct format for the random string you desire.

LengthintegerThe length of the random string.
Include numbersboolWhether or not to include numbers in the string
Include uppercase lettersboolWhether or not to include uppercase characters in the string
Include basic symbolsboolWhether or not to include basic symbols in the string (!@#$%^&*-_=+?)
Include advanced symbolsboolWhether or not to include advanced symbols in the string (~(){}[]\/.,><"')
Include ambiguous charactersboolWhether or not to include ambiguous characters in the string (iIlLoO0)
Use each character only onceboolWhether or not to ensure that each character is unique. (This may produce a string shorter than the intended length if there are less than 12 eligible characters )
List of additional characters to usestringEnter any extra characters that you would like to be included in the string
List of characters to excludestringEnter any characters that you do not want in the randomly generated string